Homesickness is a real thing that many college students struggle with, just nobody likes to admit it. Homesickness is when a person misses the familiarity and security of home - they miss their family, their house, their town, friends, and pets. It usually happens when a student moves out of their home for the first time and goes to live at their new university. But honestly, any college student can experience homesickness at any age. Below are some symptoms of homesickness:
- Feeling down and depressed
- Thinking about family members at home often
- Wanting to go home whenever possible
- Crying for no reason
- Getting stressed out easily
- Having difficulty sleeping
- Lack of motivation
- Loss of confidence
- Depressive thoughts
- Frequent mood swings
- Nothing seems fun
- Nothing in life is positive
Here are some ways to cope with being homesick...
Stay in Contact with Family/Friends:
It’s ok to call your family or friends when you’re feeling sad. Sometimes, just talking to your loved ones can make you feel a little better.
Make New Friends:
Although you may not feel like it, make yourself meet new people. The more activities you get involved with, the more people you will meet and the more friends you will have. Always try to seek new friendships. Being around people can make your homesickness go away.
Explore the Place:
Get out and explore your college campus or town and see what it has to offer! Find something that you appreciate about your new location.
Don’t Visit Home Too Often:
This is what most people who are homesick want to do, but it can only make matters worse. Going back home too often will not allow you to adjust to life at college. So, make sure to stay in your new setting a few weeks before thinking about visiting home.
Invite your Friends and Family Members:
Have your friends and family come visit you, and show them around. It can be good to make memories with your loved ones in your new place.
Keep a Positive Attitude:
When you're feeling down, try to find something positive about the day. And always tell yourself, “I can do this!”
Seek Help:
If the homesickness is becoming unbearable, you can go talk to a counselor. Most colleges offer free counseling service for their students. Talking to a counselor can help alleviate symptoms of homesickness - a counselor can give you further insight on how to cope with it.
Make sure to give yourself time. Be patient with yourself as you are adjusting to life at college and know that you won’t be homesick forever. Eventually, your new setting will begin to feel comfortable and a little more like home. But don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re feeling really down, and remember, homesickness is quite common, so you’re not alone!
Good tips and interesting post! I defintely felt this when I moved from New Jersey to North Carolina. I still feel it sometimes though. But its good to move on. You have to learn to appreciate the things that are around otherwise you'll miss the beautiful things in life.